At home with Leila and Bruce

I first met Bruce when I did a branding shoot with Leila earlier this year. You can read about that shoot over at Bruce was just a puppy then with big brown chocolate button eyes. He’d had a tricky start in life but with lots of love and support from Leila he’s thrived and become the extremely handsome boy that he is today! A whippet/greyhound cross, Leila wasn’t sure where Bruce would end up size wise and turns out he’s definitely more on the greyhound scale than whippet!

Baby Bruce

In November I went back to see Leila and this time it was to do a shoot with her and Bruce together to capture a typical day in their life.

Leila and Bruce got on with their day as usual and I was there to capture what they got up, including meal times, play, going for a walk and some chill out time as well.

I really loves these sorts of shoots. It’s so important to me to capture memories of life with our dogs. Those day to day things that you do without thinking about will one day be precious memories. Things change over time, often without us really noticing; but when we look back at photos we can remember how things were, how things have changed, and how important the small everyday moments really are.

Leila has a written a blog post about her shoot which is a great insight into what its like to have a Pet Moments photo shoot with your dog.

Leila is a wonderful photographer so please do check out her work at Leila Hawkins Photography and follow her over on Instagram.

Life with our dogs is precious- let me capture the memories with your own at home photo shoot!


A Dreamy Beach Shoot with Kirstin and Milo in Dorset